I Am Enough (by Grace Byers)
Through Me To You Puppetry
***Using a desktop or laptop & can't hear the sound?***
To watch a video with sound, click on the video.
It will open in a bigger window. Then you can play it with sound. 🔊
Newton's Clubhouse: Where Everyone Belongs (Episode 3 - The Joy of Being Together)
Newton's Clubhouse: Where Everyone Belongs (Episode 2 - Finding Joy Even When You're Sad)
Newton's Clubhouse: Where Everyone Belongs (Episode 1 - Sharing Joy)
Martin's Big Words (By Doreen Rappaport)
My Birth Story: Adoption, Loneliness & Puppets
The House In The Night (by Susan Marie Swanson)
Puppet MUSIC Time #6
One (By Kathryn Otoshi)
Puppet MUSIC Time #5
Mae Among The Stars (by Roda Ahmed)
Puppet MUSIC Time #4
And The People Stayed Home (by Kitty O'Meara)
Puppet MUSIC Time #3
Martin's Big Words (By Doreen Rappaport)
Puppet MUSIC Time #2
Little Owl’s Orange Scarf (By Tatyana Feeney)
Puppet MUSIC Time #1
The Very Fluffy Kitty, Papillon (By A.N. Kang)
The World Needs More Purple People (by Kristen Bell & Benjamin Hart)